Hey, I’m trying to build a city-building type game and I’m currently working on the build functionality.
What I have attempted is placing a prefab of the selected building on the mouse position in world, and then having it follow. Unfortunately this either results in a new prefab being made at every mouse position, or just doesn’t work at all.
I’m pretty new to unity so any help is appreciated.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BuildMode : MonoBehaviour
public Structures currentlySelectedStructure; //uses my own scriptable object
private GameObject structureToBuild;
public GameObject menuController;
public LayerMask planetClickable;
public Transform centrePoint;
public string GameState;
Transform hypPosition;
MeshRenderer hypRenderer;
public bool structureProposed = false;
public bool structureConfirmed = true;
void Start()
void Update()
if (GameState == "PlanetView")
else if (GameState == "BuildMode")
structureConfirmed = false;
public void BuildButtonPressed() //used by a button
GameState = "BuildMode";
structureConfirmed = true;
public void CloseBuildPressed() //used by a button
GameState = "PlanetView";
public void InBuildMode()
Ray myRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(myRay, out hitInfo, 100, planetClickable))
Vector3 mouseOnWorldPos = hitInfo.point;
Vector3 direction = mouseOnWorldPos - centrePoint.position;
Quaternion objectRotation = centrePoint.rotation;
GameObject hypotheticalObj;
hypotheticalObj = Instantiate(currentlySelectedStructure.model, mouseOnWorldPos, objectRotation);
MeshRenderer hypRenderer = hypotheticalObj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); //get mesh renderer to make the object red/green during build process
Transform hypPosition = hypotheticalObj.GetComponent<Transform>();
hypPosition.position = mouseOnWorldPos;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)){
structureConfirmed = true;
hypPosition.position = hypPosition.position;
GameState = "PlanetView";