Hello all, please am new to unity, I would like to make a racing game, i dont know how much unity has done to make this task easy for me so i would like someone to tell me what i can do out of the box and cant do or point me in the right direction on how to go about making a racing game againts AI opponents. I have already gone some tutorials but not for a race game so am familiar with the interface. thanks
No, there’s nothing in Unity that will help you with racing AI. It’s a generic game engine.
I assume you’re new to game development and not just Unity, which means you’re probably not going to be able to create compelling race driver AI on your own any time soon. Even experienced developers are challenged by that topic.
Your best best would be to buy something like this:
Ok thanks they seem to have done all that i need, but am not in a hurry to make a compelling game. I just want to start from somewhere with a guide and build upon that.
In that case, it might be better to start smaller, since you’ll have 1000 things all coming at you at once to learn. Not saying everybody learns things the same way, but that can be intimidating and discouraging. The typical advice is to start with tiny little games just to build up fundamental knowledge. Maybe once you do a few of those, you could try a really simple overhead 2D game with some super basic racing AI to get a feel for the challenge ahead.
The other thing is if you can find a racing AI asset that includes source code, that could be a great way to see how it’s done.
Ok thanks would do just that