Making a script for all gameobject GUITEXT.

Hi, I have a script that puts a few GUIText objects on to the screen at Start. For each one I am having to set its Font, Material and FontSize amongst other things. For the elements that stay the same, this feels too repetitive. I know I could declare a method that automates this process and then passes the variables to each GUItext object upon call, but I’m not sure how to start the method.

I tried doing

public GUIText TextProperties(GUIText textGUI, Vector2 myOffset, int myFontSize, Vector2 textOffset)
	textGUI.guiText.font = pipFont;
	textGUI.guiText.fontSize = myFontSize;
	textGUI.guiText.material = textMaterial;
	textOffset = textGUI.guiText.pixelOffset;
	textOffset.x = textGUI.guiText.pixelOffset.x + myOffset.x;
	textOffset.y = textGUI.guiText.pixelOffset.y + myOffset.y;
	textGUI.guiText.pixelOffset = textOffset;	

where textGUI is declared upon method call,
but it doesn’t seem to work.

For this you should use prefabs.
Read what they are:

Then how to instantiate (create) them:

Here is an edit for you:

File #1:

// Attach this file to a GameObject, and make a prefab out of it
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUITextConfig
	public Font 	font;
	public int		fontSize;
	public Material material;
	public GUITextConfig(Font font, int fontSize, Material material)
		this.fontSize = fontSize;
		this.font = font;
		this.material = material;

[RequireComponent (typeof (GUIText))]
public class GUITextPlus : MonoBehaviour 
	public void Initialize(GUITextConfig initData)
		guiText.font = initData.font;
    	guiText.fontSize = initData.fontSize;
    	guiText.material = initData.material;

File #2:

// Attach this file to a game object, drag the prefab you created above to the      
// "prefabWithGUITextPlus" slot.
// Next step up as many GUITextConfig sets as you need (first number of total such 
// elements and then the define/drag in the inspector your desired data.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUITextManager : MonoBehaviour 
	public GUITextPlus prefabWithGUITextPlus;
	public GUITextConfig[] guiTextSets;
	void Start() 
		foreach(GUITextConfig guiTextSet in guiTextSets)
	    	GUITextPlus gtext = Instantiate(prefabWithGUITextPlus) as GUITextPlus;