Making a simple game like pong


I’m new to unity3d
Now I’m searching for tutorials but I can’t find something like what I want.
I want to make a simple pong game to start with.
I’m a 3D artist and like to make a good looking 3d pong game I hope someone here can help me out


Welcome to Unity! I hope you’ll find it a nice tool to work with.

How were the tutorials you found not good enough?

You can’t expect to find a tutorial that is about creating the exact game you want to create. Rather, the tutorials teach basic concepts that will help you understand enough about how Unity works, that you will able to get started on your own game concept. For example, the 3d platform game tutorial should teach you plenty to be able to get started creating a Pong clone after that.

Of course we are happy to help you here if you get stuck with anything, but you didn’t even ask any specific questions. If there is a specific problem you are stuck on and would like to get help with, don’t hesitate to ask.


Here is an iphone pong clone game project donated by “kevinr”. It should be helpful for learning purposes (assuming you are developing for the iphone)

What a made is a cube u can move with a&s and a ball that bounces against your cube and the one of the computer that al works.
But I don’t know how to make the computers AI,
and how I will get something like a scoreboard and the ball respawn after making a point

Thx for the fast reactions

Hah! I guess I was wrong. :smile:


The only thing is a wanna make a webgame to put into my portfolio is this iphone version still helpful or a other programming language or something? Sorry for all the questions

oke the iphone project file i downloade doesnt work what now

Maybe you will have to give up looking at that example pong project. What specifically have you gotten to work so far, and what specifically are you stuck on?


as i said before i have to make:

  • AI for the pc
  • let the bal respawn after making a point
  • a scoreboard system
  • hit box that wil make the ball respawn and make the score

i already have:

  • moving ur own pong cube
  • a working pong ball
  • all the collisions works

Making your own game is a great way to learn… and Pong is a very reasonable and doable place to start. Regarding the computer’s AI, this is up to your own ingenuity. This could be something as simple as automatically moving the player’s paddle back and forth at varying speeds, or something much more complex with the computer anticipating the direction and speed of the ball. You might want to post in the scripting forum for suggestions, or even better, bring it up in the irc forum, since it is more of a question of programming than a support issue.

For spawning/respawning a ball, I suggest learning about instantiating prefabs, you can read about that here:

Your scoreboard system would be most easily implemented using Unity’s GUI system, which you can learn about here:

And in general, check out the section in the manual called Creating Gameplay-- it covers all this and more.

I’ve noticed that many users get a lot of help in the irc forum (, #unity3d), and quickly too, since there are many helpful users there who share tips and answer questions in real time. Good luck, and please let us see your Pong game when you’ve finished ^-^ I think there are a lot of fun variations on Pong that could make for a very original game…

Thx for all the help.
But i starded a othe rproject for now.

You can play the beta version on Wooglie

Its a beta so don’t be to hard on me :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m still a 3D artist an not a very good scripter :cry:

I know it is bad form to necropost but this topic was the first result when I searched for “unity pong tutorial” on Google. I found a great 2 part video series on how to make a pong game. As someone brand new to Unity I found it extremely helpful. I just want to make anyone who wants to make a Pong like game sees it.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Im going to necro your necro post because what you posted is helpful!

Hope more people hunting for PONG find this!