Making a specific door open in a dungeon with multiple doors

I’ve searched several different questions and can’t seem to figure out my problem.
I’m trying to open a specific door in a dungeon that currently has 2 doors(there will be more doors if I ever figure this out). In my PlayerController script I declared

public DoorOpen doorOpen; //reference to my DoorOpen Class
[SerializeField]private GameObject currentDoor; //reference to the door I'm trying to currently open

My open door script is:

 //Door check
    			RaycastHit doorHit;
    			//GameObject currentDoor;
    			Debug.DrawRay (transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f,0f), transform.forward * 2f,;
    			if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f,0f), transform.forward * 2f, out doorHit)){
    				if(doorHit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Door" && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
    					print ("Open the door!");
    					currentDoor = doorHit.collider.gameObject; //assigns the current door
    					doorOpen.OpenCheck (); //runs script attached to DoorOpen class

My DoorOpen class:

public class DoorOpen : MonoBehaviour {
public bool isDoorOpen = false;

public void OpenCheck(){
	if(isDoorOpen == false){
		isDoorOpen = true;
		print ("Opened");
		Vector3 to = new Vector3(0,90,0);
		transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp (transform.rotation.eulerAngles, to, Time.deltaTime * 90);
		isDoorOpen = false;
		print ("Closed");
		Vector3 back = new Vector3 (0, -90, 0);
		transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp (-transform.rotation.eulerAngles, back, Time.deltaTime * 90);


What I’m currently getting is that in my Player Inspector window, CurrentDoor is assigning the proper door, but Door Open is remaining null. I’m thinking if I can assigned CurrentDoor to DoorOpen it should work, but when I try to do that it get “Assets/Scripts/Player/PlayerController.cs(50,17): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type UnityEngine.GameObject' to DoorOpen’” If I take out the CurrentDoor step and just assign the GameObject ‘door’ in the player Inspector window, it will only open that specific door and not any other door.

If you have a reference to the gameobject with the DoorOpen component on it, you can get a reference to the DoorOpen script with GetComponent. So then you can do:

doorObject = doorHit.collider.gameObject;
DoorOpen doorScript = doorObject.GetComponent<DoorOpen>();
if (doorScript != null)