Making a test build on WebGL, wondering whether code can be stolen for other platforms

Hi there,
I’m working on game whose primary destination is mobile, but would like the public to test some of the basic parts of the game using a web build. I know there’s a lot of theft with hosting web games on other sites, but I’m more concerned about the code being taken and being used to make an .apk for Google Play.

Is this even plausible? Thanks!

Plausible? Sure. However in this particular case you should know that WebGL builds are first translated to C++ code and then compiled with IL2CPP to webassembly format.

I‘m sure this can be decompiled in some way. However the result will not be a working Unity project and cannot be converted back to one. So this is highly unlikely.

Btw, digital assets cannot be stolen. You can only steal physical items, as stealing an item removes the item from its rightful owner - he no longer HAS the item. Digital assets can only ever be duplicated, never stolen. The original asset remains with the author no matter the number of duplicates.

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Appreciate the input and the correction. Thank you CodeSmile!

You can use Obfuscator to protect your code.
I am using Beebyte’s Obfuscator for many years.

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