Making a tile editor

Hello everyone!

i’m wondering about how do you make a tile editor. i’ve stumbled on a plugin in the Assets store.
and i wanna develop my own, to use in the game. it’s better than paying 25$


I have created one Tile manager as given below, you can edit it depending upon your requirement…

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// This class will provide tiles position, status, type
public class TilesManager : MonoBehaviour
float mfXRatio;
float mfYRatio;

public int _iNoOfRows;
public int _iNoOfCols;

public float _LeftMargin;
public float _DownMargin;
public float _XSpace;
public float _YSpace;

Vector3 [,]_VectDotsPosition;

public static TilesManager _tilesManager;
TileType[,] meTilesType;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () 
	_tilesManager = this;
	mfXRatio = Screen.width/768f;
	mfYRatio = Screen.height/1024f;
	createTiles(_iNoOfRows, _iNoOfCols, _LeftMargin, _DownMargin, _XSpace, _YSpace);

// To create Tiles
public void createTiles(int piNoOfRows, int piNoOfCols, float pfLeftMargin, float pfDownMargin, float pfXSpace, float pfYSpace)
	_VectDotsPosition = new Vector3[piNoOfRows, piNoOfCols];
	for(int i = 0; i < piNoOfRows; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < piNoOfCols; j++)
			_VectDotsPosition[i,j] = new Vector3((pfLeftMargin + pfXSpace * i) * mfXRatio, (pfDownMargin + pfYSpace * j) * mfYRatio, 0);

void InitializeTileType()
	meTilesType = new TileType[_iNoOfRows, _iNoOfCols];
	for(int i = 0; i < _iNoOfRows; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < _iNoOfCols; j++)
			meTilesType[i, j] = TileType.BREAKABLE_TILE;

// meTilesType[3, 6] = TileType.UNBREAKABLE_TILE;
// meTilesType[0, 6] = TileType.EMPTY_TILE;
// meTilesType[7, 7] = TileType.EMPTY_TILE;
// meTilesType[4, 3] = TileType.UNBREAKABLE_TILE;
// meTilesType[4, 2] = TileType.UNBREAKABLE_TILE;

// Returns tile position
public Vector3 GetTilePosition(int piIndexX, int piIndexY)
	if(piIndexX >= _iNoOfCols || piIndexX < 0 || piIndexY >= _iNoOfRows || piIndexY < 0)
	return _VectDotsPosition[piIndexX, piIndexY];

public void SetTileType(int piIndexX, int piIndexY, TileType peType)
	meTilesType[piIndexX, piIndexY] = peType;
public TileType GetTileType(int piIndexX, int piIndexY)
	return meTilesType[piIndexX, piIndexY];


public enum TileType
BREAKABLE_TILE, // A dot can move to this tile
UNBREAKABLE_TILE, // A dot cant move to this tile, the dot will pass through beside tiles
EMPTY_TILE, // A dot will pass through this tile if next to this empty tile is breakable