Making a UI button call a function?

i have a button “basic1” which is supposed to trigger a basic player attack when pressed the screen. ive defined “basic1” in the input manager,set the parameter “attack” in my animator, and set code for it, but when i press the button, nothing happens.

heres the basic code im using for this

public class attackT : MonoBehaviour {

	public int speed = 2;
	private int attack = 0;
	public GameObject basic1;
	Animator anim;
	void Start () 
		anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
	void Update () 
		attack = 0;
		speed = 0;
			attack = 1;

		anim.SetInteger("attack", attack); 

is there something i forgot that just needs to be added? im new to scripting gui controls so i apologize in advance if i missed something basic.

have you made sure in the input manager that you set all the variables like they are on “Fire1”?