I’m trying to create a function for my Shiny Pokemon Counter application that saves the data of the current hunt when you manually confirm that you’ve encountered your target. I want to then load this data and all other entries of this data and display them in a UI that lists the history of your encounters.
To do so, how would I go about saving the set of data comprised of the time from when the save function was called, 3 strings, and 3 ints when prompted and loading these sets of data so I can feed them into the UI? I am rather new to Unity and programming in general, and I’m having trouble figuring out how exactly to do this.
Below is a screenshot of the app running in the Unity editor. The data I’m working with are the target Pokemon’s name as a string, the number of the Dropdown UI option that holds a sprite of the target Pokemon as an int (which I will use to get that sprite in the new UI), the type of the encounter (like regular encounters, hatching eggs, hordes, soft resetting) as a string, the type of the chaining method being used (fishing, SOS, pokeradar, or N/A if not chaining) as a string, the number of encounters as an int, and the number chained to as an int.
The UI to count the chain and its reset button are disabled if the third dropdown is on Non-Chain. The function to increment the chain count is also disabled if the third dropdown is on Non-Chain. So, I want to be able to have the chain type string and chain count int omitted at some point during the process, and I’m assuming this is to be when the data is being displayed in the UI rather than when saving the data, as I could probably tell the Chain elements in the UI not to display if they’re a certain string or int value.