Making an IOS game: Noob questions.

Hello everyone, I’ve been using unity for a while, and now i can really use it well, I’ve made couple PC games (for me and my friends), but i want to take another step, make an IOS app, but… Im lost!
So here are my questions:

1- What coding knowledge do i need to make an IOS app? Can i code it only using C#?

2- Can i make and upload an app with Unity Personal Edition?

3- Do I need to pay to be an Apple Developer? If yes, how much?

4- What is a list of all things i need to make an IOS game?

Yeah, I guess thats all, plus, could you give me some advice on making IOS games?
Thanks, I hope you can help me with this :slight_smile:

1, 2, and 3. Yes. $100 per year. Read Unity - Manual: Getting started with iOS and FAQ

4 and PS. Try searching before asking…? :slight_smile:

  • You can use same code base for Ios app except the few changes. You can use c#.
  • Yes you can upload with personal edition but it will show unity splash screen at startup.
  • Apple Developer account have different versions. Refer to apple developer website.
  • You need Xcode to open ios xcode project which unity will create. You need to have mac to create build for ios from xcode project. You need ios device to test your app.