Making Assets more AsmDef friendly.

Hi, guys,

Long compilation time really kills me and I’m trying to fight to reduce as much as I can.
AsmDef helps but to create AsmDef in all 3rd party asset is too much work and it make VS solution file too bloated.
Reason? Some assets have more than 10 Editor folders and I must create AsmDef for each Editor folder.
I tried to talk to some asset developer but some are ignorant, stubborn and unable to contact.

Instead of relying on asset developers organize the folders more AsmDef friendly, how about Unity help create them easily? just like how CShapr-Assembley-Editor.dll are created automatically.

In other words, if you put AsmDef file in one folder, Unity will work through all subfolders and create two DLL including one for runtime dll, and one for editor dll.

Csharp-Assembly-Editor.dll is already working like that and why not extend it for custom AsmDef file?

Please make it less painful to use Unity.


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I’d rather have the ability to specify a list of folders in the asmdef, and have the assembly be compiled from that instead of the folder containing the asmdef.
that way you can have an Editor asmdef in the root, pointing to all the Editor subfolders (and you can still configure the asmdef settings)

plus, detect when you create an asmdef inside an Editor folder (or whose name contains/ends with “Editor”) and setup appropriate defaults (platform set to editor only, references the corresponding runtime asmdef, etc…)

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Yeah, that will work too. Anything will be better than the current state.

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