Making GUI buttons glow?


I was wondering if there is some standard (or non standard, anyway) trick on making a GUI button glow on hover having only one button texture (as opposed to making a glowing button texture and display that one on hover).

Thanks much!

I guess you could fiddle around with GUI.color, GUI.contentColor or GUI.backgroundColor to change the tint of it when the mouse cursor is over the rectangle. In addition to just using a rect, GUIStyle has several helper methods to determine how big a GUI object is.

This can be used to make all sorts of funky glows/flashes and give some flexibility that additional textures doesn't easily yield.

Also, as Justin says, his link is very helpful for finding out if you are hovering over an item.

I'm sorry to say there is no known trick to do this... I'm curious to know why you don't want to make 2 texture?