making LateUpdate wait for Fade in/out guiText


I am trying to display something like a subtitle, the guiText.text changes at certain seconds.

What I am having trouble with is, I can not fade the guiText out - change it - fade it back in. I am pretty sure there is a very simple way to do this, I have looked into yield, coroutines and tried everything I could think of. Here is what I have:

function LateUpdate () {



    case 0:
    print("second 0");
    guiText.text="Lascia Chi'o Pianga";


    case 6:
    print("6th second");
    guiText.text="Mia Crudo, Sorte";



and of course the fadeIn and fadeOut functions

function fadeIn(){

    yield WaitForSeconds(1);


function fadeOut(){
    yield WaitForSeconds(1);


What I was hoping for was, that the yield WaitForSeconds statements would interrupt the LateUpdate. What happens is that, the first line fades in perfectly, stays on screen, then when case 6 is true, the second line kicks in instantly.

So, the first FadeIn works, the rest doesn't? I am not sure what is going on.

Thanks in advance :)

You can't interrupt Update or LateUpdate at all; they always run every frame. For scheduling a series of events, you are better off forgetting about Update and using coroutines instead. One problem is that Mathf.Lerp uses the range of 0 to 1 for the third parameter, so your fade in and out functions will only work during the first second that Unity is running.

As a side note, GameObject.Find is slow, so doing that in Update is not optimal. It should be done once in Start or Awake, and the result cached. Actually I'm not sure you need the Timer script at all...using the Fade script in the wiki, I would do this:

function Start () {
    FadeOutIn("Lascia Chi'o Pianga");
    yield WaitForSeconds(6.0);
    FadeOutIn("Mia Crudo, Sorte");

function FadeOutIn (s : String) {
    yield Fade.use.Alpha (guiText.material, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    guiText.text = s;
    yield Fade.use.Alpha (guiText.material, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); 