Making levels with multiple layer tilemaps

Hi, I have a question.

I have different tilemaps each one with a different layer, I have ground, groundwall, wall, wallceiling, ceiling, nocolison, foreground, background. The thing is that making levels ,test them and iterate on them is a very exhausting process, because I have to change many things, currently what I do is to draw with ruletiles in the nocolision layer, and then, in the respective layers add colliders, apart from that it is very time consuming, I doubt that it is the most efficient way.

I would like to know if there is any option within unity, with some package, with tiled or something, to speed up this process, or should I create something custom for my case or maybe change the player logic.

Thank you very much.

A custom tilemap Brush might be able to help. You could target multiple tilemaps at once so the process is more automated.

As you paint the nocollision layer with your RuleTiles, you automatically apply the right colliders to your various other tilemaps, which I’m inferring are separate so that each has a different layer.

This might be easier by subtyping the RuleTile and its RuleTileEditor so you can say what each tile should apply and to what collision tilemap. Or it could be set on the Brush itself as you use it.

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I do agree its a little cumbersome to use and I feel the same pain in my project. My project is an Multiplayer RPG (dare I say MMO lol) and I plan on easing the pain by doing some Map Generation. This would generate a random world based on a set of rule (think Minecraft) and then I can go through and make changes here and there to add some personal touches. This should make things faster and being a 1-2 person team there is really no other way to populate a large world. To answer your question, you’re likely going to have to make some custom tooling to fit your needs to make world creation a little easier.