I have the following crosshair script and I realy like it but Im not quite sure how to make my crosshair change colors when its over an object taged enemy?
#pragma strict
var drawCrosshair = true;
var crosshairColor = Color.white; //The crosshair color
var width : float = 1; //Crosshair width
var height : float = 3; //Crosshair height
private var hit : RaycastHit;
class spreading{
var spread = 20.0; //Adjust this for a bigger or smaller crosshair
var maxSpread = 60.0;
var minSpread = 20.0;
var spreadPerSecond = 30.0;
var decreasePerSecond = 25.0;
var spread : spreading;
private var tex : Texture2D;
private var newHeight : float;
private var lineStyle : GUIStyle;
function Awake (){
tex = Texture2D(1,1);
SetColor(tex,crosshairColor); //Set color
lineStyle = GUIStyle();
lineStyle.normal.background = tex;
function OnGUI (){
var centerPoint = Vector2(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2.5);
var screenRatio : float = Screen.height/100;
newHeight = height * screenRatio;
GUI.Box(Rect(centerPoint.x-(width/2), centerPoint.y - ((newHeight-1) + spread.spread), width, newHeight),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
GUI.Box(Rect(centerPoint.x-(width/2), (centerPoint.y + spread.spread), width, newHeight),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
GUI.Box(Rect((centerPoint.x + spread.spread), (centerPoint.y - (width/2)), newHeight, width),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
GUI.Box(Rect(centerPoint.x- ((newHeight-1) + spread.spread), (centerPoint.y -(width/2)), newHeight, width),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
spread.spread += spread.spreadPerSecond * Time.deltaTime; //Make spreading "smooth" and not abrupt
spread.spread -= spread.decreasePerSecond * Time.deltaTime; //Decrement the spread
spread.spread = Mathf.Clamp(spread.spread, spread.minSpread, spread.maxSpread);
function Fire(){
//Carry out your normal shooting and stuff
function SetColor(myTexture : Texture2D, myColor : Color){
for (var y : int = 0; y < myTexture.height; ++y){
for (var x : int = 0; x < myTexture.width; ++x){
myTexture.SetPixel(x, y, myColor);