Making my cross hair change colors

I have the following crosshair script and I realy like it but Im not quite sure how to make my crosshair change colors when its over an object taged enemy?

#pragma strict

var drawCrosshair = true;

var crosshairColor = Color.white;   //The crosshair color

var width : float = 1;      //Crosshair width
var height : float = 3;     //Crosshair height

private var hit : RaycastHit;

class spreading{
    var spread = 20.0;          //Adjust this for a bigger or smaller crosshair
    var maxSpread = 60.0;
    var minSpread = 20.0;
    var spreadPerSecond = 30.0;
    var decreasePerSecond = 25.0;
var spread : spreading;

private var tex : Texture2D;

private var newHeight : float;
private var lineStyle : GUIStyle;

function Awake (){
    tex = Texture2D(1,1);
    SetColor(tex,crosshairColor); //Set color
    lineStyle = GUIStyle();
    lineStyle.normal.background = tex;

function OnGUI (){
    var centerPoint = Vector2(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2.5);
    var screenRatio : float = Screen.height/100;

    newHeight = height * screenRatio;

        GUI.Box(Rect(centerPoint.x-(width/2), centerPoint.y - ((newHeight-1) + spread.spread), width, newHeight),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
        GUI.Box(Rect(centerPoint.x-(width/2), (centerPoint.y + spread.spread), width, newHeight),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
        GUI.Box(Rect((centerPoint.x + spread.spread), (centerPoint.y - (width/2)), newHeight, width),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
        GUI.Box(Rect(centerPoint.x- ((newHeight-1) + spread.spread), (centerPoint.y -(width/2)), newHeight, width),GUIContent.none,lineStyle);
        spread.spread += spread.spreadPerSecond * Time.deltaTime;       //Make spreading "smooth" and not abrupt

    spread.spread -= spread.decreasePerSecond * Time.deltaTime;      //Decrement the spread
    spread.spread = Mathf.Clamp(spread.spread, spread.minSpread, spread.maxSpread);     

function Fire(){
    //Carry out your normal shooting and stuff

function SetColor(myTexture : Texture2D, myColor : Color){
    for (var y : int = 0; y < myTexture.height; ++y){
        for (var x : int = 0; x < myTexture.width; ++x){
            myTexture.SetPixel(x, y, myColor);

An improvised possiblity might be :

2 Textures and GUI interchange. Like :

var tex1 : Texture2D;
var tex2 : Texture2D;
var crosshair : Textured2D;

function Update(){
 //Here you'll have the changing textures code 
If ( facingEnemy = true )
  crosshair = tex1;
 else if ( facingAlly = true)
   crosshair = tex2;
function OnGUI{ 

// You center here the crosshiar.

 GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width /2,Screen.height /2, 10, 10), crosshair);

hey, I don’t mean to be a downer on your script - it looks good so far. But for simplicity’s sake, i’d skip using the unity gui’s interface altogether. I’m not sure how the syntax is and I’m currently unable to test this for you but i think a much shorter script without the unity gui would be using the raycast function that extends as far as the desired range, and set a small plane textured with different crosshair textures based on the tags the raycast hits. so, it might look something like this.

var hitinfo : RaycastHit;

function Update () {
    var fwd = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward);
    if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, fwd, 10)) {
		if((hitinfo.transform.tag == "thing") 
        	print ("the object's tag is thing!");
		var crosshair = GameObject.find("crosshair");
	    	crosshair.renderer.material.mainTexture = Resources.Load("thingcrosshair");
	crosshair.render.material.maintexure = Resources.Load("regcrosshair");

This is has substantially less lines of the code you originally proposed (which might need a bit more though i’m not completely sure since I avoid using the unity gui) and the only downside to my draft is that it checks for these tags every second. So in this case I’d probably leave one function to check for tags and another to be called when needed. Look into the the script reference for texturing from a resources folder. It may sound weird but I think moving away from the built in wui and substituting your own solutions will ultimately save time though I can’t really guarantee that it will be less costly.