Making objects intractable

Hi all.
Currently Im working on a Supermarket environment for my software development class. For reference the exact environment I am using is here:

What I want to do is make the objects interactable… To be exact, I want a little pop up to appear when the object is clicked with the name of the product, some nutritional value info, and a price. I don’t want this for each individual product per se, as many of them are grouped together in the asset package.

I have been looking for tutorials that can help with this, but most don’t seem applicable for my goal. I just need some advice, direction, literally anything on how to get this done. I am far from a Unity expert, so let me know what I should do.


Hi, take a look at the following thread: How to click a 3d object in unity3d?
Using the script/options there you can click on an object and then simply call a function that e.g. opens a world space canvas at the object’s position. If you want to make this a 2D panel on the screen, you can simply create a screen space canvas. Then you can create the UI design you want and simply activate the created panel/image/text or whatever you have. Hope this helps!