Hi there!
I am working on a collection of 5 loop songs, suited for simple casual games.
The loops have an “electronic” feel with different moods, happy, quick, thinking…
You can listen to a demo on youtube:
The loops will be between 30 seconds and 1.20 minutes long. The price tag will be 10$.
Would like to help me!? You will get a chance to obtain this new asset for free, and maybe some other asset from my portfolio…
So, what I need?
First of all (simple!) some feedback about these songs… are they suitable for your games? Which kind of game would you imagine with this music? do you like the sound? how is the mix according to you?
I have to decide 5 song names… and I’m VERY bad in chosing my song names! some help will be appreciated! Also the name of the asset store pack has to be decided. If I will chose it, it will be something
trivial such as “puzzle game music loop pack”! help me in chosing something better!
I plan to make some promo youtube videos for this songs… so I’d like to have some video recording of a gameplay that would adapt to these music. Of course this would mean some cross-promotion!
I am a musician… and my graphic skill are terrible!! would you help me in chosing the image i will use to publish this music in the asset store (and maybe in other markets)? Also this would mean some crosspromotion for you!
In reward (depending on how helpful will be your contribution) i am giving you a voucher for this new pack and some other voucher for an asset of my portfolio.
Also sharing my work in progress within your network would mean to help me… and to get a chance to get a free gift!