making plane whit same size

hi all

Im tring recreate a plane whit the same dimention in unity, the original one is export from 3dsmax i i what to creat a plane whit a exact same proportions, how can i know the sice of my plane and create ono whit the same size

See what dimensions the plane has in 3ds Max, look what your Units Setup in Max looks like, see what the import size settings are in Unity and then multiply all of that to get the dimensions you need for your Unity-Plane.

Or simply use a copy of the Max Plane, instead of creating a new one.

Unity’s plane is 10 units x 10 units. To change the size of it, change the X and Z scale values. For instance, to make a size of 6 x 7 units, change X to 0.6 and Z to 0.7.

I’m not aware of any utility in Unity that will only calculate distance between two points, however, search the Unity Asset Store for “Distance Tool”, and you’ll probably find what you need.

EDIT: Well, okay, there is a workaround, assuming your plane is on the proper local axis. Give the plane a Box Collider. It should automatically make the collider the size of the mesh. You can then look at the size of the collider. Just remember to delete the Box Collider afterwards if you don’t need it.