This is a part of my script, it takes a guess that a person makes and compares it to the “movieName”. But is it possible to make it so it doesn’t just take one answer? so it could be several right answers?? Thanks in advance
void Awake(){
movieName = "spawn";
text.text = "Guess The Name Of The Movie";
public void GetInput(string guess){
input.text = "";
public void CompareGuesses (string guess){
if (guess.ToLower() == movieName.ToLower()) {
SceneManager.LoadScene("Level 1");
GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("GameStatus");
GameStatus gs = go.GetComponent<GameStatus> ();
gs.score += 1;
GameObject og = GameObject.Find ("PointStatus");
PointStatus sg = og.GetComponent<PointStatus> ();
sg.point += 1;
} else if (guess != movieName) {
text.text = "Wrong!";
} else if (guess != movieName) {
text.text = "Wrong!";