Making smooth translations of my sprites in Grid (Tilemap)

Hi guys I think I have strange question. I made some sprites for my very first totally own game. Generally speaking its will be game mostly focused on destroying blocks like in Terraria for example. So I decided to use tilemap to make a grid of my blocks to get possibility to destroy it one by one. But when I drawing my grid with my sprites its looks soo boring. I will put some images to better describe my problem:

This is from Aseprite here my sprites are very pretty mixed with each other - making smooth transitions [mostly because is not just the square next to the square]. Dungeon/Ground like this will look awesome in game.

There is photo from Unity with my Scene (grid) + Unity Game. Its look terrible. So… IM SURE there is a possibility to make some smooth transition like in Aseprite but… How? How can I make something like on 1st screenshot in Unity keeping chance/possibility to destroy blocks one by one?

Hello @TenSebastian ,
To make the transition from one type to another (grass to stone, sand to water) usually you create a few transition tiles, which contains both types in one tile. This will break up the borders and make the tile map transition more seamless between types.

Have a look at this tile set for inspiration

And see the blog post on how the tile set was setup and used