making tiles clickable ?

Ok guys, I’ve made a map using Isometric tiles, I wish to have my player move to the tile by clicking, I just don’t know where to begin, I’m looking for a tutorial or book that deals with making isometric 2D games, can someone point me in the right direction? I am new to unity and making a chess-like game.


First tutorial, first part : Creating Isometric Worlds: A Primer for Game Developers | Envato Tuts+
First tutorial, second part : Creating Isometric Worlds: A Primer for Game Developers, Continued | Envato Tuts+

Second tutorial : Isometric Tiles Math

This is what I used to make it and it works like a charm, with some changes.
The only thing is the first tutorial is made for Flash and there the origin ( the 0,0 point ) is located in top left corner so the Y-axis is oriented towards the bottom of the screen, while in Unity the Y-axis is oriented towards the top of the screen (if you are working in 2D).

After you solve this (it’s not hard at all), you need to solve the rendering order (which piece comes on top of which). I can help with more details when you get there,.

thank you very much i’ll definitely check these out now!