i’m avoiding mixels in my game by comparing the sizes of all the sprites in my pixel art software (aseprite), then not changing the size of anything when i put it into unity, and I set the pixels per unit to be 16. This is been working perfectly for things with sprite renderers in my regular scene and everything’s been the exact size I want it to be and the pixels sizes are all perfect.
however, when I put a sprite into my UI Canvas and Set Native Size, the size will be different than if i were to insert the same sprite into the scene with a sprite renderer instead of an image component, and transform instead of rect transform.
I have been using unity for a while now but am fairly new to UI design.
Below is the difference between them while in the game window, the smaller one is the Native Size in the UI, and the bigger one is the default size as a sprite renderer in my scene
as well as my canvas settings
How could I have them be the same size by default?