Making Z being able to go through terrain

First, not sure why it says "protected"lol. But anyway…

I got the Z key to let you high jump after pressing it, but how do I make it so he can go through terrain? For example, I have a layer called “ceiling”, so you will be able to high jump through that. But I also need it to ignore the ground check or else pressing Z would cause him to fall through the floor hes on.

 protected Rigidbody2D rBody;

    protected bool facingRight = true;
    protected float moveDir;

    public float spead;
    public float jumpForce; //how high the character jumps
    public float highJumpForce; //junps higher after pressing Z

    private float moveInput; //the key being pressed down
    private Rigidbody2D rb;

     private bool isGrounded;
    public Transform groundCheck;
    public float checkRadius;
    public LayerMask whatIsGround;

   void Start()
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        //Set a starting velocity when our Game Starts (Set x to 1 for moving Right and -1 for moving Left)
        Vector3 DefaultVelocity = new Vector3(1 * spead, 0, 0);
        rb.velocity = DefaultVelocity;
        moveDir = spead;



void FixedUpdate()

        isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, checkRadius, whatIsGround);

        //move left and right with left and right arrow keys

        moveInput = moveInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");  //moveInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") caused him to brifely stop when hitting the arrow again.  So changed it to "GetAxisRaw" fixed it

        //True if there is no Input
        if (moveInput == 0f)

            //We will try to use rb.velocity.x existing Velocity/Movement instead

            //True if our Object is already moving
            if (rb.velocity.x > 0f)    //True if Moving Right
                moveInput = 1f;
            else if (rb.velocity.x < 0f)   //True if Moving Left
                moveInput = -1f;
            //If both Statements failed, there is no Horizontal Movement
            //moveInput will continue to be at 0

        //True if there is Input OR we managed to use the existing Velocity instead to fill the value of moveInput
        if (moveInput != 0f)
            //Continue as per normal
            rb.velocity = new Vector3(moveInput * spead, rb.velocity.y);

        if (facingRight == false && moveInput > 0)


        else if (facingRight == true && moveInput < 0)
        { //because he is moving left while facing right
    public void Update()
    //press key to jump


        float input = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        if (input > 0 && moveDir < 0)
            moveDir = spead;
        else if (input < 0 && moveDir > 0)
            moveDir = -spead;


        if (isGrounded && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * jumpForce);
            rb.velocity = Vector3.up * jumpForce;

        rb.velocity = new Vector2(moveDir, rb.velocity.y);

        if(isGrounded && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))
            rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * highJumpForce);
            rb.velocity = Vector3.up * highJumpForce;

void Flip() {
            facingRight = ! facingRight;
            Vector3 Scaler = transform.localScale;
            Scaler.x *= -1;
            transform.localScale = Scaler;


Maybe disable the character’s collision box until it goes through the terrain?

I tried this, but it didnt work

    public Transform BackgroundPrefab;

      if(isGrounded && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))
            rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * highJumpForce);
            rb.velocity = Vector3.up * highJumpForce;
            Physics.IgnoreCollision(BackgroundPrefab.GetComponent<Collider>(), GetComponent<Collider>());
