January 31, 2019, 5:17pm
Can you please ask UMA support questions on the UMA support thread or forum instead of in WillB’s thread?
Yes, I have the UMA package now. Jaimi: the Simple Setup in UMA’s Github version is bugged: once you play, the character slides off the terrain. Once he has fallen off, there’s nothing you can do anymore. Also the Wanderers Belt crashes UMA: it pauzes, the interface disappears and you have to restart Play.
Those errors have not been reported before. The first sounds like a collider issue. For now, click on your UMA gameobject. In the DynamicCharacterAvatar component, find and expand “Additional Recipes” and remove the “CapsuleCollider” recipe. That should remove the rigid body and collider that is added to the character at runtime.
I’ll have to load up the pack myself later today and see if and why the Wanderer’s belt is crashing UMA.
I’m still wondering how to get a character created in Simple Setup in my actual Game Scene. Saving and loading the prefab doesn’t work. Saving the asset via the UMA menu gives me an asset, but I have nowhere to drag it. Dragging it straight into the scene doesn’t work either.
The best I got in my game scene was a Dynamic Character with the correct wardrobes on it, but it fails to initialize and shows nothing. Only when I removed a wardrobe at runtime it got triggered and suddenly showed what it was wearing.
The weakest point of this whole system is the documentation. Almost nothing is documented. I’m just trying hundreds of things hoping that one of them will work.
I’m willing to dive into the API later. In this development stage, I just need to be able to generate a character and drag that into my actual game scene. How do I accomplish this? Very precisely please. “Just save and load” doesn’t tell me anything. Thank you all very much for your help!
Did you see and try this entry on the wiki? =prefab
Also, SecretAnorak has some great video tutorials