Managing 2D Layers on 3d Space.

Hello and good day, I’m having trouble with my 2d sprited Isometric perspective game.

TLDR; How can I make the CAMERA see the BAD DUDE through the FOG, with the BAD DUDE behind the BOX, and the BOX behind the FOG?

For mechanic + graphic reasons its created on a 3d space. Until now i’ve been able to handle all graphic related issues mostly by positioning my sprites along the Y axis.

My first hard to solve problem happens with the current situation:
The player has a “line of sight” from which all objects are revealed, i’ve used a black “Fog Of War” texture, making every pixel inside the player’s “line of sight (LOS)” alpha = 0. Furthermore, the objects that reach the “LOS”, fully reveal, which works perfectly for inanimate objects, but not for animated objects such as the “Bad dudes”, as the animation slightly discoordinates when the object doesnt move, and it is a total mess when it does move.

Maybe there is a way to do this with layers, shaders and rendering cameras? I’m more of a math and programming guy, so treat me like a total noob, as i’ve tried very little.

Thank you very much!

Forgot to add, i’m open to reading/studying anything that can teach me how to solve future issues like this. I’m starting on blenders, but i’ve not yet found something useful for this case.

Bump! I apologize in advance, I still have not found the answer.