Manipulating Game Objects with Rigidbodies


I have a game object “Sphere” which I would like to manipulate with a script,
It has a Rigidbody and Sphere Collider. My question is what is the best method to scale this object?
Currently I am using the gameObject’s transform to manipulate its scale however, I did read somewhere that I should be using the rigidbody instead because it might break something.

What is the best method? As I also read a Rigidbody is intended to be a non-deformable object.


Play with rigidbodies some more, and random stuff on the internet might make more sense.

In the real world, you can bounce on a bed, but you can’t bounce a basketball on one. It’s because the bed is soft, but deforms and springs back with enough weight. Game engines can’t do that much math. They use a simplified version of physics where everything counts as a rigid object, like pool balls.

So you don’t have to worry about what a rigidbody is for. It’s the only way to “physics” move stuff, and it works like it works.

Quickly growing an object which also has a rigidbody, can cause problems, in some situations. But if you have that happen, the problem will be obvious.