Is there a maximum distance between two manually-placed OffMeshLinks, beyond which the NavMeshAgent will refuse to traverse the connection between the links?
This is what appears to be happening in my game, and also appears to be the case in a small test scene I created.
I ran a little experiment and found results similar to your comment. The white lines appear to designate regions of Navmesh. A manual OffMeshLink will connect if both the start and end point are in the same region or an adjacent region, and will not connect if there is one or more regions between the start and end point.
The spacing of the regions appears to be related to the Radius you set when baking your NavMesh. The larger the Radius, the larger the regions appear to be. With a radius setting of 0.5 I was able to get an OffMeshlink to generate at exact opposite ends of the white region about 320 meters apart. With a radius setting of 1.0 I was able to get an OffMeshLink to generate about 640 meters apart because the white lines representing navigation regions were spaced farther apart.
I was also able to daisy chain multiple OffMeshLinks so that I was able to go from one end of a region, to the opposite end of a region 4 blocks over by only navigating 2 offmeshlinks (see picture)
It seems like this could work fairly well as a work around if you need to have an agent that needs to be able to navigate between two isolated positions that that are very far apart yet maintain a small radius on your navmesh. The use case that comes to mind in this situation is a teleporter.