Manuals in PDF Format

Hi, can somebody please tell me if the manuals are available in PDF format? I would love to download the manuals so I can play with Unity when I'm working offline.

Thanks Sparky

You could create the PDF yourself (on a Mac):

Open printable.html located in the /Applications/Unity/Documentation folder and save it as PDF (Print ... Save as PDF).

(But I do not know how it will look like, maybe it is not well formatted for printing?)

The manuals will be installed on your system when you install Unity.

Update to newer install on PC.
C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Documentation\en\Manual

Some versions of Unity have no manual pdfs like 2018.3.8f1. This results in 2018.2b

Review the top line in the index.html for verification.

I just linked Chrome to the local html files. This does not break the default browser for online pages.

Use Google Chrome for printing pages correctly.

This will save you countless BSHours trying to get the paper pages correct.

Html, pdf, MSword are all crap to get the graphics and tables correct.

Install (free) PDF995, it is a great program for saving PDF’s.

After it is installed, open the HTML documentation and choose Print, you will see pdf995 installed as a printer.
Select it, and hit print.

the next dialog is a save dialog for a PDF, your done!