I am trying to develop the structure for a game that I can back fill with content later and am getting stuck on how to program certain portions of the game.
This is what I would like to make;
1st scene, empty slots to hold characters (select existing character : scene 4, select empty slot : scene 2)
2nd scene, select race
3rd scene, select class
4th scene, Menu - for now just “play game”
5th scene, actual game
Currently I understand I should have a CHARACTER class that has all my variables I need set as null. This way when the user clicks on “HUMAN” currentCharacter.race can be set equal to baseHuman.race. Same applies to class: currentCharacter.class = baseFighter.class
Is this a good way to do things, or am I going about it all wrong?
How do I save the information that is generated between scenes. Right now if I set my character race in scene 2, when I set my class in scene 3 the character race is null.
How about saving the character after playing? Do I just export it to a file? When I export it do I have to export each variable individually and import them individually or is there an easier way that if I load a file it will automatically load the right numbers into the right variables.
Right now it isn’t a big concern since I have only a dozen variables, but once implementing an inventory and each item in the inventory has its separate variables I would concerned with keeping everything in order.