Many thanks to all who have helped ...

Over the past two weeks (and more than 60 hours) I’ve been frantically stressing out over a tech demo I promised on short notice. I accepted the job because I knew it would lay the groundwork for a full version of Banana Warehouse in the future.

I had difficulty. Not so much planning but in the actual coding of the project. It is therefore that I would like to give thanks to and acknowledge all of those folks who pitched in and went above and beyond to help out.

Charles, Eric, Forest, Jedd, lfrog, Aaron, Kevin, Keli and GoneGypsyGames are among those who stood up and helped me when I almost lost it. I will post the project and a debrief when I tweak the final build but I sent off the demo version working well singly and wihtout doubt only because of the fantastic support of everyone here.

I can’t thank you guys enough for sharing your knowledge. And I promise I did learn stuff too, even some Penn Teller stuff to make stuff appear to be happening when it’s not really.

I’ll buy you all a fresh organic orange juice when we get to SFO next year (or single malt and a pizza for Charles G).

Kindest regards,


I would gladly help again! :slight_smile:

Thanks for putting me in the credits also.

I am glad you got it done :slight_smile: I am glad I could help in some manner, and thank you for putting me in the credits. I look forward to your debriefing, oh, and that organic orange juice :smile:

No problem holmes! I’ll be looking for Pizza :wink:

The demo should rock hard!