Map saving / In-game map editor

Some time ago I made a game that included a simple in-game map editor and it took few days to get it all working well.
It only saved transform properties (position, rotation, scale) of each created object and it had a very basic editor.

To make things easier for you people I decided to make a asset to take care of this.
I will make an easy to use, more advanced, scene saver. Which would save game objects within unity’s editor.

  • It will be prefab based, meaning you will need to make a prefab of that object you want to create later (prefabs wont be saved within a map file, at least for now)

  • This will work for 3D and 2D games

  • You will be able to save components of that game object (ones which are not included in the prefab), to make you able to re-use a single prefab

  • It will allow you to save additional properties for your map (in variable : value form; numbers, vectors and strings only) which you can then easily access within your own script

  • Thea script would return the list of maps and load the maps for you, so you don’t need to work with files at all

  • If there is enough interest I will make a fully working in-game editor similar to unity’s editor

  • What you will probably be very interested in is that it will enable you to easily add the ‘save’ option to your game, since

Why are maps so useful? You can have a single scene for all your game levels, which means you wont have to re-create GUI and other stuff that is same for every level. Plus since loading a map is much faster than loading a scene you can avoid ‘loading’ screen, which means you can have a huge level that loads depending on player’s progress.

Before I start upgrading my scripts and making this asset, I’d like to know how much you think this would help you and what additional features would you like to see in this asset?

Maybe there is not enough interest for this asset?