MapFileParser not found in iOS Postprocessing


I’m using Unity 5.1.0p1 Personal and I’m receiving the following error when I attempt to build my project for the xcode environment.

Click here for the screenshot.

Please I need this fixed ASAP.

I’m still receiving this error, someone please help!

Similar (same?) problem here. Even with a blank scene in 5.1.1f. Only when building for iOS.
Changing IL2CPP to Mono2x fixed it. (in player settings).

Except I need the IL2CPP selected because Apple requires 64-bit now.

I’m seeing this too. The file seems to be called “MapFileParser.exe” not “MapFileParser” - perhaps that’s the problem?

edit: I hacked around it by copying “MapFileParser.exe” to “MapFileParser”.

Renaming “MapFileParser.exe” to “MapFileParser” is not working. You’ll get the error with MapFileParser file while building the project in Xcode

But Unity is reporting that error, not Xcode. Do you mean when you rename it, building from Unity works but then building in Xcode fails (I haven’t tried building in Xcode yet)? That seems weird since it’s a Windows executable. Also I didn’t rename it, I made a copy of it.

Yes, and Xcode shows MapFileParser error.

Take off the .exe before Unity’s build process (make a copy and just keep it there), and add it back on before XCode’s compile process.

Works fine as a workaround (for a really ugly bug)

Detailed steps for a workaround are posted here:

Has anyone reported this to Unity yet?