I’m trying to map textures to a custom cube one square texture that i want repeated on all faces. here’s my UV cords
and here’s how the vertices are indexed
Starting from the bottom
when i try this, only 4 out of the 6 faces are mapped
the other ones are blank. is this a uv mapping issue or something more fundamental I’m missing?
UVs are associated one-to-one with Vertices.
To ad-hoc map unique UVs on each face of a cube you need to have one vert at each corner for each face you want, so a total of 4 vertices per face, so 24 verts, or if you prefer, 8 corners, each with 3 verts, so 24 verts.
EDIT: I have such a code snippet:
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The above code makes six separate submeshes, each individually UV-mapped to the full texel space.
that makes a lot of sense lol, this will honestly be much easier than trying to have faces share verts ty
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