Mark As Closed Tag

Hey, thanks for adding the Closed tag!

Is the intention to use this as a way to triage reports? If I mark a report as closed, does it get reopened later if it happens on a more recent build?

Edit: I just noticed you said this in another thread:
“Also, currently, when you mark an issue closed, it will not get untagged if it happens on a different version. We’re looking into that.”

Could I also add the suggestion that it doesn’t get untagged unless the version number is higher too?

@AdamSmithUSTN — Thanks for the feedback and apologies for the delayed response. Yes, we’re working on the feature to re-open closed issues if they appear on different versions. With regard to the “higher” aspect of your request, the version can currently be any string so we’re currently not able to determine if it is higher or lower.

How is that going? That is going to be awfully useful.