Just trying to build out the simple game provided as a template with MARS 1.3.0 to an Android device and receiving these errors:
Failed to generated ARCore reference image library ‘ReferenceMarkers_arf’
UnityEngine.GUIUtility: ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
BuildFailedException: Failed to generate image database. Output from arcoreimg:
Image database generated at: D:/Unity.imgdb
Image list file generated at: D:/Unity-imglist.txt
I’m running Unity 2020.3.0f1 LTS and my project name has no spaces it in.
Thank you,
Hello @mseibert ,
Which version of ARCore and ARFoundation are you using?.
Also, from what I see in the log; are you using the D drive as a Unity project?
Do any of the parent directories have spaces in their names? If so can you try renaming them without spaces?
I had this issue when I updated from package manager. I removed then reinstalled ARCore to solve the issue.
I am creating the project in D drive.
And I get the above error.
Is there any problem if I create it on the D drive?
The drive letter doesn’t matter, but see the note above about spaces in the path causing problems.