Mars image target, plus all functionality of Arkit4

Is there a way to use image target only as an initial trigger?

So that the object would continue to be tracked within the world using Arkit features, even if the image target is off-screen. I think in Vuforia they have this feature called “extended tracking” for this purpose

I use multiple MARS image targets to track 3D objects that stay in place when the image target is off-screen:


I did not have to alter any code to have stay in place with my iOS builds.

ok, thanks. Will try that. Still believe ArKit4 tracking capabilities would be superior. As in, the image target could be used for initial placement and verification when on-screen, but once spawned, the CG content would be part of a world understanding.

Yeah I think you’re right about the placement accuracy. In my testing the 3D objects stay better ‘locked’ in place when the image marker is out of view and they start to vibrate a bit when the marker comes back in view.
However, sometimes when the device location has drifted somehow I do need to reattach the 3D objects in the correct location by scanning the marker.

Would be great to have the option to programmaticaly start and stop marker tracking based on device drift.

I tried adding a cube outside the Image Marker, and it is being tracked perfectly using Arkit4.

The sphere tracked by the image still looses its track when the image target is lost.

Therefore tried to set a function on the Image Marker, “Match Action” - “On Match Loss” and then make it so the cube would be the parent of the sphere and hold it in place.

I may be just be shooting blind here, but it seems it should be doable.