This is the log output.
As you can see the sequence of scenes is:
Menu → Scene2 → Menu → Scene2
2021-05-16 19:47:21.174711+0200 TerraIgnota[2118:1344572] Built from '2020.2/staging' branch, Version '2020.2.3f1 (8ff31bc5bf5b)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp'
2021-05-16 19:47:21.175947+0200 TerraIgnota[2118:1344572] MemoryManager: Using 'Default' Allocator.
-> applicationDidFinishLaunching()
-> applicationDidBecomeActive()
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B6FCD4F-FFE1-4EFD-BD0F-A296311F0376/
[Subsystems] No descriptors matched for examples in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[Subsystems] 1 'inputs' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
[Subsystems] No descriptors matched for displays in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[Subsystems] 1 'meshings' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
Initializing Metal device caps: Apple A12Z GPU
Initialize engine version: 2020.2.3f1 (8ff31bc5bf5b)
XRGeneral Settings awakening...
2021-05-16 19:47:22.489470+0200 TerraIgnota[2118:1344572]
// 2D joint skeleton
enum JointIndices
Invalid = -1,
Head = 0, // parent: Neck1 [1]
Neck1 = 1, // parent: Root [16]
RightShoulder1 = 2, // parent: Neck1 [1]
RightForearm = 3, // parent: RightShoulder1 [2]
RightHand = 4, // parent: RightForearm [3]
LeftShoulder1 = 5, // parent: Neck1 [1]
LeftForearm = 6, // parent: LeftShoulder1 [5]
LeftHand = 7, // parent: LeftForearm [6]
RightUpLeg = 8, // parent: Root [16]
RightLeg = 9, // parent: RightUpLeg [8]
RightFoot = 10, // parent: RightLeg [9]
LeftUpLeg = 11, // parent: Root [16]
LeftLeg = 12, // parent: LeftUpLeg [11]
LeftFoot = 13, // parent: LeftLeg [12]
RightEye = 14, // parent: Head [0]
LeftEye = 15, // parent: Head [0]
Root = 16, // parent: <none> [-1]
2021-05-16 19:47:22.494524+0200 TerraIgnota[2118:1344572]
// 3D joint skeleton
enum JointIndices
Invalid = -1,
Root = 0, // parent: <none> [-1]
Hips = 1, // parent: Root [0]
LeftUpLeg = 2, // parent: Hips [1]
LeftLeg = 3, // parent: LeftUpLeg [2]
LeftFoot = 4, // parent: LeftLeg [3]
LeftToes = 5, // parent: LeftFoot [4]
LeftToesEnd = 6, // parent: LeftToes [5]
RightUpLeg = 7, // parent: Hips [1]
RightLeg = 8, // parent: RightUpLeg [7]
RightFoot = 9, // parent: RightLeg [8]
RightToes = 10, // parent: RightFoot [9]
RightToesEnd = 11, // parent: RightToes [10]
Spine1 = 12, // parent: Hips [1]
Spine2 = 13, // parent: Spine1 [12]
Spine3 = 14, // parent: Spine2 [13]
Spine4 = 15, // parent: Spine3 [14]
Spine5 = 16, // parent: Spine4 [15]
Spine6 = 17, // parent: Spine5 [16]
Spine7 = 18, // parent: Spine6 [17]
LeftShoulder1 = 19, // parent: Spine7 [18]
LeftArm = 20, // parent: LeftShoulder1 [19]
LeftForearm = 21, // parent: LeftArm [20]
LeftHand = 22, // parent: LeftForearm [21]
LeftHandIndexStart = 23, // parent: LeftHand [22]
LeftHandIndex1 = 24, // parent: LeftHandIndexStart [23]
LeftHandIndex2 = 25, // parent: LeftHandIndex1 [24]
LeftHandIndex3 = 26, // parent: LeftHandIndex2 [25]
LeftHandIndexEnd = 27, // parent: LeftHandIndex3 [26]
LeftHandMidStart = 28, // parent: LeftHand [22]
LeftHandMid1 = 29, // parent: LeftHandMidStart [28]
LeftHandMid2 = 30, // parent: LeftHandMid1 [29]
LeftHandMid3 = 31, // parent: LeftHandMid2 [30]
LeftHandMidEnd = 32, // parent: LeftHandMid3 [31]
LeftHandPinkyStart = 33, // parent: LeftHand [22]
LeftHandPinky1 = 34, // parent: LeftHandPinkyStart [33]
LeftHandPinky2 = 35, // parent: LeftHandPinky1 [34]
LeftHandPinky3 = 36, // parent: LeftHandPinky2 [35]
LeftHandPinkyEnd = 37, // parent: LeftHandPinky3 [36]
LeftHandRingStart = 38, // parent: LeftHand [22]
LeftHandRing1 = 39, // parent: LeftHandRingStart [38]
LeftHandRing2 = 40, // parent: LeftHandRing1 [39]
LeftHandRing3 = 41, // parent: LeftHandRing2 [40]
LeftHandRingEnd = 42, // parent: LeftHandRing3 [41]
LeftHandThumbStart = 43, // parent: LeftHand [22]
LeftHandThumb1 = 44, // parent: LeftHandThumbStart [43]
LeftHandThumb2 = 45, // parent: LeftHandThumb1 [44]
LeftHandThumbEnd = 46, // parent: LeftHandThumb2 [45]
Neck1 = 47, // parent: Spine7 [18]
Neck2 = 48, // parent: Neck1 [47]
Neck3 = 49, // parent: Neck2 [48]
Neck4 = 50, // parent: Neck3 [49]
Head = 51, // parent: Neck4 [50]
Jaw = 52, // parent: Head [51]
Chin = 53, // parent: Jaw [52]
LeftEye = 54, // parent: Head [51]
LeftEyeLowerLid = 55, // parent: LeftEye [54]
LeftEyeUpperLid = 56, // parent: LeftEye [54]
LeftEyeball = 57, // parent: LeftEye [54]
Nose = 58, // parent: Head [51]
RightEye = 59, // parent: Head [51]
RightEyeLowerLid = 60, // parent: RightEye [59]
RightEyeUpperLid = 61, // parent: RightEye [59]
RightEyeball = 62, // parent: RightEye [59]
RightShoulder1 = 63, // parent: Spine7 [18]
RightArm = 64, // parent: RightShoulder1 [63]
RightForearm = 65, // parent: RightArm [64]
RightHand = 66, // parent: RightForearm [65]
RightHandIndexStart = 67, // parent: RightHand [66]
RightHandIndex1 = 68, // parent: RightHandIndexStart [67]
RightHandIndex2 = 69, // parent: RightHandIndex1 [68]
RightHandIndex3 = 70, // parent: RightHandIndex2 [69]
RightHandIndexEnd = 71, // parent: RightHandIndex3 [70]
RightHandMidStart = 72, // parent: RightHand [66]
RightHandMid1 = 73, // parent: RightHandMidStart [72]
RightHandMid2 = 74, // parent: RightHandMid1 [73]
RightHandMid3 = 75, // parent: RightHandMid2 [74]
RightHandMidEnd = 76, // parent: RightHandMid3 [75]
RightHandPinkyStart = 77, // parent: RightHand [66]
RightHandPinky1 = 78, // parent: RightHandPinkyStart [77]
RightHandPinky2 = 79, // parent: RightHandPinky1 [78]
RightHandPinky3 = 80, // parent: RightHandPinky2 [79]
RightHandPinkyEnd = 81, // parent: RightHandPinky3 [80]
RightHandRingStart = 82, // parent: RightHand [66]
RightHandRing1 = 83, // parent: RightHandRingStart [82]
RightHandRing2 = 84, // parent: RightHandRing1 [83]
RightHandRing3 = 85, // parent: RightHandRing2 [84]
RightHandRingEnd = 86, // parent: RightHandRing3 [85]
RightHandThumbStart = 87, // parent: RightHand [66]
RightHandThumb1 = 88, // parent: RightHandThumbStart [87]
RightHandThumb2 = 89, // parent: RightHandThumb1 [88]
RightHandThumbEnd = 90, // parent: RightHandThumb2 [89]
[Subsystems] Loading plugin UnityARKit for subsystem ARKit-Input...
[Subsystems] UnityARKit successfully registered Provider for ARKit-Input
[Subsystems] UnityARKit successfully registered Provider for ARKit-Input
[Subsystems] UnityARKit successfully registered Provider for ARKit-Meshing
[Subsystems] Loading plugin UnityARKit for subsystem ARKit-Meshing...
2021-05-16 19:47:22.849763+0200 TerraIgnota[2118:1344572] Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <UnityViewControllerStoryboard: 0x13bf31b70>.
UnloadTime: 3.597875 ms
Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 0.697000 ms
Unloading 8 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 18375.
Total: 5.530167 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.551458 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.045917 ms MarkObjects: 4.879792 ms DeleteObjects: 0.052458 ms)
----> LOAD SCENE 2 <----
Unloading 7 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 11.567958 ms
MARS GeoLocation is not configured to request location service permission for this project. See 'GeoLocationModule' asset.
Unloading 60 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 129196.
Total: 10.376042 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.189208 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.104667 ms MarkObjects: 5.307167 ms DeleteObjects: 0.774208 ms)
2021-05-16 19:47:56.239567+0200 TerraIgnota[2118:1344572] UnityARKit: Updating ARSession configuration with <ARWorldTrackingConfiguration: 0x280869c30 worldAlignment=Gravity lightEstimation=Disabled frameSemantics=None videoFormat=<ARVideoFormat: 0x281e481e0 imageResolution=(1920, 1440) framesPerSecond=(60)> autoFocus=Enabled environmentTexturing=None wantsHDREnvironmentTextures=Enabled planeDetection=None collaboration=Disabled userFaceTracking=Disabled sceneReconstruction=None detectionImages=[<ARReferenceImage: 0x281b22580 name="TerraIgnotaImgMarker_6013055B-BD03-CD4E-869C-DFE943A91076" physicalSize=(1.000, 1.000)>] maximumNumberOfTrackedImages=4 automaticImageScaleEstimation=Disabled appClipCodeTracking=Disabled>
----> LOAD MENU SCENE <----
UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1:Invoke(T1, BaseEventData)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessTouchPress(PointerEventData, Boolean, Boolean)
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 124.216667 ms
Unloading 112 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 18469.
Total: 7.918667 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.518625 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.043500 ms MarkObjects: 5.665208 ms DeleteObjects: 1.690750 ms)
----> LOAD SCENE 2 <----
Unloading 7 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 12.749250 ms
MARS GeoLocation is not configured to request location service permission for this project. See 'GeoLocationModule' asset.
2021-05-16 19:48:28.843521+0200 TerraIgnota[2118:1344572] UnityARKit: Updating ARSession configuration with <ARWorldTrackingConfiguration: 0x280806f70 worldAlignment=Gravity lightEstimation=Disabled frameSemantics=None videoFormat=<ARVideoFormat: 0x281e481e0 imageResolution=(1920, 1440) framesPerSecond=(60)> autoFocus=Enabled environmentTexturing=None wantsHDREnvironmentTextures=Enabled planeDetection=None collaboration=Disabled userFaceTracking=Disabled sceneReconstruction=None detectionImages=[<ARReferenceImage: 0x281b22580 name="TerraIgnotaImgMarker_6013055B-BD03-CD4E-869C-DFE943A91076" physicalSize=(1.000, 1.000)>] maximumNumberOfTrackedImages=4 automaticImageScaleEstimation=Disabled appClipCodeTracking=Disabled>
Unloading 61 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 129196.
Total: 9.701417 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.863833 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.090167 ms MarkObjects: 5.294500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.452292 ms)
-> applicationWillResignActive()
-> applicationDidEnterBackground()