Mars Validation issue: ARCore not Enabled


Unity Editor: 2021.3.25f1
OS: Windows 10 and 11
MARS: 1.5.0
AR Foundation: 4.2.7

This issue is regarding the MARS package.
An error is getting raised in Project Validation, stating ‘Please enable the “ARCore” plugin in “XR Plug-in Management”’, although it is already enabled.

Tried in 2021.3.24f1, 2022.2.19f1 editor too.

Last month similar kind of issue was raised for ARKit too.
Do anyone have any idea that if it is an bug like ARKit or there is something that I might have missed?

If any further information is required, please free to ask.

I do have the exact same problem. @Prahelika07 did you find a workaround for this ?

Nope, not yet.

same here

Following Instructions and Now stuck here, cannot build.
And Mars is not updated for 6 month?

Just started to use MARS and hit with this exact issue, I have tried in different editor versions. I thought it maybe because the newer version is called ‘Google ARCore’ rather than ‘ARCore’, thought it might be checking against the wrong ID. But I’ve tried with older versions where it’s called just ARCore and still get the same issue.
This is crazy if this is a big bug lasting for so long, does that mean not many people are using MARS commercially?

OK well, I seem to have got through the error, not 100% sure what I did, but I think it’s because I went into
Project Settings > MARS > Project Validation
and then selected Ignore Build Errors.
I tried to build twice and it just worked. Have it running on Android now, so yeah give that a try @Prahelika07 @teithedir @aymeric_unity873 if you’re still having issues?

I have Same issue can anyone suggest how to solve this ?

I have tried by selecting the Ignore Build Errors and it did works. But will there be any issues regarding projects in future if I keep continuing like this until Unity fixed this MARS issue?

Yes this is a bug and is being addressed. The workaround is to in your project go to Assets > XR > Loaders and rename the “ARCoreLoader” asset to “AR Core Loader”.

You can track the progress of this bug here:


It worked perfectly. Finally, I can finish my work. Thank you so much.:slight_smile:

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This worked. Thx

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