Martial Arts Mocap?

Hello guys,

I would like to know if there is any asset available of Motioned captured Martial Arts moves for Unity?

I do study martial arts Jujutsu black belt and have a brown belt in karate so I am looking for a decent range of movements.

So is there anything out there that might meet my needs?

Here is an asset with martial arts animations, not sure if they are mocap.

There was a thread a couple weeks ago - someone posting about getting a martial arts expert into a mocap studio and the poster was asking if there were people interested in the mocap data after they were done with the session. Sorry I can’t provide a link to the thread.

I sell a set of combat animations. Some are mocaps. Some are FK and IK created. Medhue Combat Animations for Unity3D | Medhue Animations

Actually these aren’t too bad! I like the range of idle moves, a couple would be very good for a practitioner of Jujutsu, Aikido and the like. And the kicks are good as well, just might need some speeding up which Unity can do for you.

Overall … I’m sold - or should I say you have a sale :).

@theANMATOR2b thanks for providing the link for the “monk” I’ll be sure to check it out. And I did find that other link, I don’t think anything will come of it but I did reply quickly.

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