Hello, forgive my cryptic sounding title but I have a strange issue.
I’m trying to create a racing game where the player can create decals to apply to their car. (But I don’t want to use the decal projector.)
What I’d like is to have 2 properties exposed to the user. A color property for the vehicles main body colour, and a texture2D property which will contain the image of the decals. (Shown below)
Its a transparent image where the black/green bits are the only bits visible. However when I create a Sample texture 2D node in Shader Graph it appears like this (But shows correctly in the inspector as transparency is on and set to ‘use image alpha’):
Is there a way I can use the alpha channel in the image to mask this image so I can create a shader which will take a color, then apply the texture on top?
I’ve been trying all day trying channel masks, color masks, all kinds of things!
Please Obi Wan, you’re my only hope!