Maskable Shader-Graph


we are currently creating some basic shaders with Shader-Graph for our UI-based game. So 95% of the shaders are going to be sprite shaders for image components.

The problem we come across now, is that all the shaders won’t work with the simple Unity mask component that we use for all our masking.

Is there a way to access the masks that intersect with my shader object or get the stencil buffer or anything?
I’m a noob to shader development, so bare with me :stuck_out_tongue: <3

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Oh, there is my thread!

Sorry, I created duplicate content. I found a solution, still with some problems with animated shader properties here:

This Thread can be deleted if a Unity Member finds it.


@Noblauch No reason to delete this thread, I just found it through a google search as I was having the same issue. And now I have a solution since you followed up with one, and that this thread has not been deleted.
Cheers to those in the future that also find this!