Mass effects terminal velocity

I’m not sure if this is a bug, or just my lack of knowledge on physics, but hopefully someone can help me.

I have setup a very simple [|69123] to illustrate my issue.

I have two almost identical gameobjects with rigidbodys. The only difference is Rigidbody1 (red) has a mass of 1, while Rigidbody2 (blue) has a mass of 2. The problem I’m having is they have a different terminal velocity. I was expecting Rigidbody2 to take longer to reach its terminal velocity but still reach the same terminal velocity… Unfortunately (for my use case) this is not the result I’m getting.

@GarrettShields Rigidbody 2 would take longer to reach terminal velocity. This would therefore mean that it was accelerating for longer, and thus has a greater terminal velocity. In a total vacuum, they would both hit the ground at the same time, with no terminal velocity, but because of air resistance, terminal velocity is present. Because an object with greater mass technically has more gravitational potential, and therefore more kinetic energy when dropped, air resistance does not slow it down as much, and can therefore reach a higher terminal velocity.