Master Object Pooler!

Hello everyone, I’m back with another asset :slight_smile:

This time its an object pooling solution, im trying to make it as good as an object poole can be. Its performance is great and it has everything I could imagine, but I want it to have everything you could imagine
So I challenge you to think of features it doesnt have, and if it doesnt, ill add them in!

For a limited time, Master Object Pooler is on a huge 30% off!

Back with some good news!
I’ve been rewriting some of the internals of MOP, so although theres no new features yet, theres quite a few stability and performance improvements in place!
-Access of the PoolContents list and ResurrectedPoolContents is now a dictionary, what this means is that Kill and Resurrect are now O(1) complexity instead of O(n); in other words, you can keep making your pools bigger and bigger with minimal performance impacts, and overall faster pool access even with smaller pools!
-AutoPool is now automatically supplied with the relevant information; this means that you no longer need to specify the name of the pool it belongs to, as a reference to its parent pool is cached when the object is first generated by the pooler! Just make sure you DONT attach AutoPool to anything that isn’t created by a Pool/MasterObjectPooler
-Improved documentation quality; The documentation should be up to scratch in all areas now, and a HTML based doc will be coming soon
-Indexer has been added to MOP; you can now write MOPInstance[“PoolName”] to get the Pools if you prefer.
-Protection added against pooling already pooled objects; previously, if you tried to pool an object that was already pooled, the Pool would become quite confused when you next resurrected and object, causing an already active object to be used. There is a check that stops any erroneous behaviour happening, instead logging a warning, and at no extra performance cost!
-Populating fixed size pools has now been fixed, there used to be a bug when you tried to populate a pool using SET on a pool that had a specified maximum size
-Spawned objects no longer bear the pesky (Clone) that unity adds to objects

Other features that haven’t been done or finished, but are planned for 1.1.0
-Custom inspector
-Support for multiple PoolableComponents on a single object
-Improved PoolableComponent API

What other features would you like for 1.1.0?