Match Enemy Random ID to Player weapon ID

Good day Good all Masters,

I wanted to check if someone can help me or point me into the right direction. I need a specific logic or process on how to attain one of my goal in my project. I have a Parent gameobject named Enemy, and the child are different random enemies that are randomly instantiate.

This enemy sprites have random numbers serves as their ID, I attached a script named EnemyRandNum for the random number, and my player in order to destroy them players weapon will create number based ID to match the enemy ID. May I ask for a specific logic on how to do that? please do tell me other stuffs that I need to include to further explain my situation. Thanks in advance.

Are you saying that each enemy has an ID and the player object needs to copy the enemy’s ID?

If so, please explain how the player interacts with an enemy in order to destroy it. Is the player shooting objects that hit the enemies?