Hey together!
For my bachelor I’m trying to implement a VR Protoype in Unity.
The prototype is about subtitles so it’s important that the UI is placed somewhat precisely.
I don’t even need a solution for every headset, just for the Quest 3.
When I place a UI element so it’s visible at the bottom of the “Game” Screen, my headset doesn’t show it because it’s too low for the VR view.
The “radar” in the bottom right corner for example won’t be shown on the VR headset.
I already use the “Mock Runtime” setting that allows me to somewhat preview how it’s gonna look like with the VR headset.
But even the FOV there isn’t matching my Quest 3 view so please help me understand what I can do to portray the Quest 3 view onto the “Game” Screen for precise UI placement.
Thanks for your time!