Run Hosted Server on Unity Multiplay automatically or run it 24hours
In response to this article, I still open a post to ask questions,
In order to understand the MatchMaker service, I downloaded official example and tested it on UGS,
Matchplay: A Matchmaker and Multiplay sample
After the player pairing is completed, there will be a disconnection after a period of time.
And it got disconnected in less than an hour.
Shown at events on UGS,
“Shutting down: server is allocated”,
It means that the player has been paired, but why does UGS shut down the server forcibly?
It stands to reason that after the player battle is over,
In order to send the CommandLine to close the Server,
Here is also attached the Log on UGS and Client.
i have set
CpuSpeed 1000mhz,
Ram 1000mb,
There is still a signo11 error,
It has been confirmed that the performance will not exceed this setting.
8641491–1162293–ClinetLog.txt (3.39 MB)
8641491–1162296–LinuxServerlog.txt (141 KB)