Today I started to get a mysterious error in matchmaking:
OnMatchCreate success status False extended info Failed to access NetworkDB appId=3989752FormatException:[System.FormatException: FAILURE Returned from server: Failed to access NetworkDB appId=3989752
at UnityEngine.Networking.Match.Response.Parse (System.Object obj) [0x00051] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Networking\Managed\UNETInterface.cs:230
at UnityEngine.Networking.Match.CreateMatchResponse.Parse (System.Object obj) [0x00003] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Networking\Managed\UNETInterface.cs:334
at UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch+c__Iterator02[UnityEngine.Networking.Match.CreateMatchResponse,UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch+DataResponseDelegate
1[UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfo]].MoveNext () [0x000ac] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Networking\Managed\MatchMakingClient.cs:422 ]
MultiplayerManager:OnMatchCreate(Boolean, String, MatchInfo) (at Assets/Scripts/Multiplayer/MultiplayerManager.cs:769)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
I googled the NetworkDB error and only found this thread from awhile back. Is there something wrong with my project, or is there an issue with Unity servers?
There was a problem a few minutes ago in creating a game…
I've got report from players that they can join the match, for about an hour.
I checked the game, NetworkManager.singleton.matchMaker.CreateMatch won't create the match. The return value for "success" is false...
Where can I see matchMaker status?
Please fix the problem.
This link says that all services are operational but theyr'e not!
It’s working right now.