Hello, to day cannot connected to UNET matchmaking room, something wrong with servers?
Thank you
I have also been experiencing issues today. It seems like the match is created. But other clients can’t join. And after 15-20 seconds, the match drops, or gets removed from the visible matches.
Yesterday I was able to use the matchmaker without problems.
Same problem bro, think they will fix it soon;)
We are having the exact same problem. UNET is 100% broken at the moment.
It seems the relay servers are down
I’ve been experiencing the same exact issue. At first I assumed it was some recent changes I’ve made, but then I tested with an old (known-to-be-working) build and experienced the same exact issue. To be clear, what I see is the following:
- I create a match on one client, it successfully starts.
- I am able to see the match on another client, and attempt to join.
- The client receives a JoinMatchResponse that is successful, and a NetworkManager::OnStartClient, but then just hangs and never receives any other messages from the server (it receives an OnClientDisconnect after something like 15-30 seconds).
- The server stays running, however it seems like it is delisted from the matchmaker from there on out. No useful logs are output from the server that show that the client actually connected (certainly no call to NetworkManager::OnServerAddPlayer).
Same probllem, first I think this is 5.3.5 problem, but no:rage:
I can confirm that the issue occurs both on Unity 5.3.4f1 and Unity 5.3.5f1.
bat on 5.3.4 was good 2 days ago, so its servers problem
Yup I believe so.
Hopefully it’s fixed soon. This sort of instability would be terrible for a released product. My team is still in the middle of development, but I wonder if other teams have products out there that are down because of this. Is matchmaking still considered to be in Beta?
@ : By the way, that is a splendid outfit you are wearing, sir.
hehehe, but
Mar 9, 2013
I´m still facing this issue. I´m starting to get very concerned. Are Matchmakerand Relay services production ready?
what does it means?)
It means that we have been unable to use the Unity Multiplayer Relay Server for 2 days now… We can connect via LAN but not use the Matchmaker at all. Even with older builds that worked fine last week.
I can confirm that matchmaking is not working on Unity 5.3.4f1 and Unity 5.3.5f1. Thanks letting us know beforehand, Unity, I have wasted whole afternoon looking for what I have done wrong in my code. Also if our title was live already does this mean that players cannot play our game for over 2 days?
I’m having the same problem. After 15-20 seconds, the Relay server sends DisconnectEvent.
The matchmaker seems to be working at this moment
Hi everyone,
We identified a misconfiguration that was causing a subset of games to not be able to connect to relay properly. That’s now fixed in all regions.
Thanks Jeremy, Can you give us more insight on the issue? We were left with no matchmaker/relay servers for 2 days and would like to understand what to do in this cases…
Also, what is the correct course of action when a game is live and experiences these issues.