Bump, would also like this - though, as a non-editor class.
It would allow us to use fuzzy search criteria in finding a texture property. For example, we can assume that any texture property containing “normal”, or “bump” regardless of case, would be a bumpmap.
Ideally, all shaders would use the same naming convention, but that’s just not the reality of things, and we don’t want to rely on the assumption that there is a convention.
Currently, in order to find which texture property is likely to be a bump map, we have to iterate through this list of possible names:
“_Bumpmap”, “_BumpMap”, “_Bump”, “_Normalmap”, “_NormalMap”, “_Normals”, “_Normal”, “_bumpmap”, “_bumpMap”, “_bump”, “_normalmap”, “_normalMap”, “_normals”, “_normal”, “Bumpmap”, “BumpMap”, “Bump”, “Normalmap”, “NormalMap”, “Normals”, “Normal”, “bumpmap”, “bumpMap”, “bump”, “normalmap”, “normalMap”, “normals”, “normal”
Obviously, it would be far faster, cleaner, and more robust to just iterate through the properties a texture DOES have and then filtering out the results to find the best candidate, rather than coming up with all the possibilities before hand and then testing each one.