Material color not changing

I am trying to set the emission color of raycasted material to “select” an object. Raycasting works and hitMaterial.GetColor(“_Emission”) returns the right color but still the object doesn’t change color.

Material hitMaterial = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
Color selectionColor = new Vector4(0, 80, 0, 225);
hitMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", selectionColor);
Debug.Log (hitMaterial.GetColor("_EmissionColor"));

Material shader: Standard (Specular setup)

Strange… When I set “Color” and get “Emission” I get: Material doesn’t have a color property ‘Emission’ but it works when I set Emission. Also when I am setting main color the color changes properly. Am I using wrong color name?

EDIT: Yea… I tried changing albedo color and that doesn’t work either. This gotta be a bug.